How to get involved with podcasts as a listener and a guest.

Podcasts, Blogs, Social Media, Radio and Television can all be amazing platforms to share your story with like-minded audiences.

I am not at a stage where I have the inclination, time or skills to host my own podcast but I am very aware that podcasts are a growing medium for learning and sharing new information.

Many people experiencing grief and loss or infertility find it very helpful to listen to podcasts so they feel connected to others having similar experiences.

There are many Infertility, Grief and Loss, and Childless podcasts out there that are always looking for guests to interview. Sharing your story through this medium can be a way to find healing, develop new strategies, and feel validated and less isolated as you connect with others.

Some popular infertility podcasts that you may find helpful to tune in to.

Some podcasts you may want to check out include:

  1. Fertility Conversations
  2. Infertility and Me Podcast
  3. The Worst Girl Gang Ever Podcast
  4. The Bold, The Brave, The Beautiful
  5. Good Mourning Podcast

Just to name a few…

Some infertility podcasts that I have been a guest on include:

Some of the podcasts you may have seen me speak on include:

  • Infertility and Me Podcast
  • The Bold, The Brave, The Beautiful – Shunem Care
  • Fertility Conversations Podcast

Podcasts for professional development on grief and loss for counsellors.

Podcasts can also be a great way to teach others about grief and loss.

Facebook and Instagram lives hosted my advocates in the Childless Community.

I am definitely not that comfortable with doing Facebook and Instagram lives but I have dabbled and been a guest on a few that others have hosted.

Social media is a great platform to get your message out to others.

Radio interviews with local B105 hosts Stav, Abby and Matt.

The amazing team at B105 FM in Brisbane were happy to interview me about my new book The Baby Dream – Learning to Live with Infertility and Loss.

One of the hosts, Abby Coleman, had used her platform in the past to share her personal experiences when she had a miscarriage and she was open to the idea of continuing the conversation by interviewing me.

Please listen to the interview below, which comes on at 3:10mins.

Being a guest on a Blog.

Blogs are also another way to share your message. I was invited to be a guest on a blog episode called This if IVF – The Baby Dream by

Sharing the message with others is so important.

No matter which platform you choose the important thing is to get your message out to people the best way you can.

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